loan_planner package


loan_planner.heuristics module

loan_planner.heuristics.first_loan_heuristic(loans, daysSinceLastPayment)

Return the first loan in the list.


Return true if the given object represents a heuristic function.

loan_planner.heuristics.max_balance_heuristic(loans, daysSinceLastPayment)

Return the loan with the highest balance.

loan_planner.heuristics.max_interest_accrual_heuristic(loans, daysSinceLastPayment)

Return the loan which accrues the most interest in a year.

loan_planner.heuristics.max_interest_rate_heuristic(loans, daysSinceLastPayment)

Return the loan with the highest interest rate.

loan_planner.heuristics.max_ipr_heuristic(loans, daysSinceLastPayment)

Return the loan with the highest interest-to-monthly-payment ratio.

loan_planner.heuristics.min_percent_payment_applied_heuristic(loans, daysSinceLastPayment)

Return the loan with the lowest percentage of its monthly payment applied to the loan’s principal.

loan_planner.heuristics.random_heuristic(loans, daysSinceLastPayment)

Return a random loan.

loan_planner.loan_config module


class loan_planner.loan_config.Loan(name, balance, interestRate, monthlyPayment, paymentDay)

Bases: object

Class to store data pertaining to a loan.


get_interest_accrued(daysAccrued) Calculate the amount of interest accrued in the given number of days.
get_interest_to_payment_ratio(daysAccrued) Calcuate the ratio of the interest paid over a period of time to the monthly payment.
get_payment_amount() Return the monthly payment amount, or the loan balance if the balance is less than the monthly payment.

Calculate the amount of interest accrued in the given number of days.


Calcuate the ratio of the interest paid over a period of time to the monthly payment.


Return the monthly payment amount, or the loan balance if the balance is less than the monthly payment.

class loan_planner.loan_config.LoanConfig(loanConfigFilePath)

Bases: object

Configuration options for the loan planner.


any_changes() Return true if there were any plan changes in the global options.
parsed() Return true if the INI file has been parsed successfully.
BALANCE = 'Balance'
DATE_FORMAT = '%m/%d/%Y'
DATE_OF_BIRTH = 'DateOfBirth'
DEFAULTS = {'UpfrontPayment': '0', 'MonthlyIncrease': '0', 'MonthlyPayment': '0', 'PaymentDay': '1', 'DateOfBirth': '1/1/1900', 'InterestRate': '0', 'Balance': '0'}
INTEREST_RATE = 'InterestRate'
MONTHLY_INCREASE = 'MonthlyIncrease'
MONTHLY_PAYMENT = 'MonthlyPayment'
OPTIONS = 'Options'
PAYMENT_DAY = 'PaymentDay'
UPFRONT_PAYMENT = 'UpfrontPayment'

Return true if there were any plan changes in the global options.


Return true if the INI file has been parsed successfully.

loan_planner.loan_planner module

Simulate the payment of a set of loans to suggest an improved payment plan.


python -c loans.ini

class loan_planner.loan_planner.LoanPlanner(loanConfigFilePath)

Bases: object

Class to evaluate loan payment plans using a variety of metrics, taking into consideration any user-specified payment changes.


find_best_plan() Simulate the payment of all loans before and after changes to the payment plans, using all available metrics.

Simulate the payment of all loans before and after changes to the payment plans, using all available metrics. Decide which of all plans is the best.


loan_planner.payment_device module

class loan_planner.payment_device.PaymentDevice(dateOfBirth, loans, allocationDecider, bestDevice=None)

Bases: object

Class to simulate paying loans over time.


pay_loans() Make monthly loan payments until all loans are paid off.
DAYS_PER_MONTH = 30.436875
MAX_YEAR = 3000
ONE_DAY_DELTA = relativedelta(days=+1)
ONE_MONTH_DELTA = relativedelta(months=+1)

Make monthly loan payments until all loans are paid off. When a loan is paid, reallocate that loan’s monthly payment to another loan. Return a boolean indicating if the simulation was successful.

class loan_planner.payment_device.PaymentStats(dateOfBirth, isRelative=False)

Bases: object

Class to store statistics about a payment device, or a comparison of two sets of statistics about payment devices.


compare(other) Construct a PaymentStats instance to represent the comparison of these payment statistics to another set of statistics.

Construct a PaymentStats instance to represent the comparison of these payment statistics to another set of statistics.

loan_planner.payment_device.get_age_on_date(dateOfBirth, date)

Determine the age a person would be on the given date.


Convert a relativedelta instance to raw months.

Module contents